Dating A Girl Who Study Psychology











Dating a girl who study psychology because she will be able to record all of your conversation. She used to write verbatim and remember all of your body languange because she used to observation your expression.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she understands the complexities of characters and personality. She studied personality psychology almost two semesters and studies it deeply if she is a college student of magister of psychology.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she used to care about you. She have studies personality approach, for example humanistic, behavioristic, psychoanalysis, and cognitive. She knows how to treat you very well and she will makes you comfort.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she can give you a motivation if you down and will makes you run to reach your purpose.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she have a goal setting in her life and she knows about her future and writes your name in her future.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she knows how to make a good rapport with your family and your friends. She have studied about rapport when she studied psychodiagnostics and expert about it because she always do that since she studied psychology in semester 1 till now.

Dating a girl who study psychology because you will never worry about your mental health. She will treat you by her self or she will refer you to her friends who psychologist too.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she knows about developmental stage. She will understands about your (and kids) physical, cognitive, and psychological development in your (and kids) life.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she understands about emotional rhythm. She will be able to make stable your emotion. She can direct your bad emotion to good emotion.

Dating a girl who study psychology because she will be able to analyze the problem quickly. If there is any problem about your relationship, she will try to solve the problem and focusing to the solution.

Finally, you should date a girl who study psychology because she will do all of it for free if you can make her falling in love with you. She will be in love with you if you can make her comfort and know that a psychologist needs others too who listen, care, and understand very well.

~Maghriza Novita Syahti

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